Current Beliefs of the Bible

by Jule Sipes, June 2014

900 words

3 pages


The Bible is the greatest book in the history of mankind which incorporated the folk wisdom and embodied the moral foundations of human life. This book is not just a cultural phenomenon but the foundation of the spiritual life of the world. In the Bible we can find solutions to essential problems: life and death, fate, the soul of man, good and evil. Although the Bible is composed of many books of different genres and created at different times by different people, the Bible is one book which is a great, eternal companion for many people around the world for more than two thousand years. The book teaches us how to live, what is good and what is bad.

For many centuries, the Holy Scripture is a world encyclopedia and a common book to read. So, when I am reading the Bible, I understand the truth of these allegations. Morever, I am surprised by a great number of those issues and positions from which the text of Scripture can be analyzed. When reading the Bible and trying to understand its meaning, I realized that the most significant concepts highlighted in the Bible are good and evil. It is very important and interesting that the disclosure of good and evil throughout the text of Holy Scripture takes many forms. Here are some of them: do not kill, do not steal, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. These commandments are the moral foundations of human existence. When reflecting on the pages of the Bible, I came to the conclusion that the concept of good includes the forgiving love, compassion and self-sacrifice. On the other hand, evil includes the fall of man and fratricide.

The Bible raises the essential issue of faith. “Not one single thing is our guiding principle or rule of faith; it is a combination of what we have done in the past and what was handed on to us (called Tradition) and the Bible” (Jacoblich). The Church does not always give faith, it often makes us just religious, adds a summary of the new rules and constraints to our life that as a result, makes our lives harder instead of bringing ease and true happiness. To my mind, neither rituals nor icons in the church will save a man. Only faith can do it. If we are to believe in what is written in the Bible, then it automatically means that we have to fulfill it, otherwise we do not believe, and only know what is written there and this benefit us from nothing.

In order for a person to live a full life in respect of body and soul, he/she must have faith. And these are not just mere words of religious fanatics. We all believe in some kind of supernatural power, people call it by different ways, but the Bible says that it is God. Faith in God is not a religion, but complete trust in God and His words that are written in the Bible. Only …

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