Cloud Computing

by Santos Krishnan, June 2014

600 words

2 pages


Cloud storage is the process of saving data to an off-site storage system that is operated by a third party. At present, cloud storage is envisioned as a plausible alternative to hard drives, compact disks, USB flash memory and other ways of accumulating data on-site. Rather than saving data or installing software on the user’s computer cloud storage allows transferring this data to a database. Internet connection is used to access the database. One of the instant benefits cloud computing can offer is saving hard drive space. Furthermore, what cloud computing offers to users is flexibility: data can be accessed from any point that has Internet connection thus it is no longer necessary to carry a laptop or an external hard drive around to have access to information. Another benefit that cloud computing offers to users is that most cloud services provide users with an opportunity to share their access to files and software thus facilitating collaboration between users and allowing working on projects remotely. Finally, cloud storage is used for backing up valuable data.

A cloud storage system works the following way. A cloud storage system is hosted by a data center that has multiple servers that are used to store and process data. Due to redundancy, the same information is saved on multiple machines so that repair and maintenance can be done easily. A data center is connected to the Internet, so that a user can upload his files remotely. A web-based interface is typically used to allow users access the files and upload them. In addition to redundancy, different servers at a data center typically employ several power sources so that users do not have to suffer from a power breakdown.

There are multiple ways that cloud computing can change daily lives of users. First of all, cloud computing allowed playing complex video games through mobile devices. However, gaming techniques are not only used to play games but also employed by chronic disease management and wellness programs to educate and observe patients. Furthermore, cloud computing makes computers invisible: gamers use sensors that are managed through a cloud-based application to play. Shopping would also be made easier since it would be possible to access the store’s inventory through a cloud-based application and compare different stores while browsing the Web with a mobile device. There are multiple benefits that cloud computing offers to business such as gathering user data or providing small and medium-sized enterprises with access to global markets.

It is possible to leverage the benefits of cloud computing on a smaller scale too. Individual users can use cloud computing for multiple purposes in their daily lives. For example, one can use cloud services such as iCloud or Google Music to synchronize music files across multiple computers. It is also possible to store local folders (such as ones that contain study-related information) in the cloud using services like Ubuntu One. Streaming music from the cloud to a local device such as a music player or computer can be facilitated …

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