Brief film history

by Lee Boyle, June 2015

600 words

2 pages


Question 1:This is because of the changing world movies are becoming popular and people analyzing them based on their opinions and perspectives of the movie. Therefore, the primary knowledge of film history is irrelevant, as it does not enable people to describe or criticize such movies because due to their varied cultures and environments there arts that some people notice while others miss them. Therefore, historical knowledge becomes invaluable in movie analysis because it does not capture the content of the film being analyzed, since each film is created distinctively and in a creative manner of the producer. Therefore, the analysis is mostly based on a certain movie alone and its content such as characters and settings among others.Question 2:Enormous technological developments brought about alterations in the sound and studio products. This was in regard to the systematic use of film methods that comprises a movies’ style. This style applies certain devices such as a three point lighting and match on action editing. Therefore, the cinematic innovations altered the itinerary of film history as they applied novel devices or reinforced them to facilitate film continuity or produce unified space for a scene. Innovations in the film industry can at times arise from the studios as well as artistic creativity from the personnel involved in film production (Walters, 2002). Furthermore, the invention and widening of photography in the 19th century offered a significant contribution to the film industry.Question 3: Classical style was fundamentally based on the principle of continuity editing, whereby the camera and sound, were not required to attract attention to them, as it can be done in the European styles. All the staffs were employees of a certain film studio creating uniformity to film style (Walters, 2002). Contrary, the European styles such as Italian neo-realism, which is characterized with stories set amongst the poor and the working class that are filmed in long takes on locations and uses nonprofessional actors often. In addition, the French new wave film makers were correlated by their self-conscious rejection of the classical cinematic type and their spirit of youthful iconoclasm and their work was based on social and political upheavals of the epoch.Question 4: Alfred Hitchcock was a director of the Hollywood classicism period, who was among the directors that fought against restrictions of the era, such as considering themselves as employees rather than as artists. Claude Chabrol' was a director of the French New Wave and was critical though his film Le Beau Serge (1958) which is considered as a feature of the era.Question 5: Technological advancements aided the trend toward depth in film production. This was offering shots, whereby more lanes would be in focus, and since the producers applied white and black lights, more directional light favored deep focus advancement. Therefore, films such as Villa villa (1934) by James Wong Howe were designed using this feature. Furthermore, the new technology generated by the industrial light and magic by George Lucas altered the film world as it made it …

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