History of film industry

Why is knowledge of film history invaluable in looking at movies and analyzing them?

Knowledge of film history is invaluable in looking at movies and analyzing them because the target consumer of film is often an ordinary viewer who may be quite ignorant of any kind of specific knowledge to analyze, judge, review, etc., the movies ... read more

2 pages

600 words

Brief film history

Question 1:This is because of the changing world movies are becoming popular and people analyzing them based on their opinions and perspectives of the movie. Therefore, the primary knowledge of film history is irrelevant, as it does not enable people to describe or criticize such movies because due to their varied cultures and environments there arts that some people notice while others mi... read more

2 pages

600 words

Film History

Question 1:This is because of the changing world movies are becoming popular and people analyzing them based on their opinions and perspectives of the movie. Therefore, the primary knowledge of film history is irrelevant, as it does not enable people to describe or criticize such movies because due to their varied cultures and environments there arts that some people notice while others miss... read more

1 page

300 words

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