The problem of the 20th century is the problem of the color line

The problem of the 20th century is the problem of the color line

Several decades ago, racism was one of the most controversial topics in American political discourse. After the adoption of Affirmative Action programs by the US government, African Americans were granted equal rights with the rest of the country’s population to education and fair treatment in the labour market. Ac... read more

2 pages

600 words

Ways of African-American protests in America

1. Discuss some of the ways in which blacks were protesting their status in America. Specifically the use of organized labor, communist party, media outlets, etc. Be specific and cite examples.

Under an influence of acute party-political struggle in the 30's. there are significant changes in ideological and political attitudes of Negro movement, there is a tendency of convergenc... read more

1 page

300 words

All Men Are Created Equal, Are They Not?

Racism denotes a set of prejudices, based on the belief that people of one certain race are smarter, stronger, more talented, simply better. Racism has been there for a long time and it still remains an important issue even nowadays. The very base of racism is xenophobia – the fear of people who are in any way different than us, and the saddest thing is that it is mostly children who are aff... read more

5 pages

1500 words

Cross Ethnic Conflict Styles

Intercultural communication appears when individuals influenced by different cultural communities negotiate shared meanings in interaction. This term is limited by some authorities to refer only to communication among individuals from different nationalities. On the contrary, other scholars expand this notion of intercultural communication to cover in... read more

10 pages

3000 words

The War on Drugs

Although the initial purpose of the War on Drugs was to decrease drug use and sale in the US, the outcomes of this policy are to some extent beyond the expectations. The consequences are most visible in the American criminal justice system, and in my opinion, already implemented reforms do not bring necessary benefits. Original goals of this policy we... read more

1 page

300 words

United States land of opportunity 1865 to1900

Institutional Affiliation

The decades between the end of the Civil War and the beginning of the twentieth century are frequently referred to as the Gilded Age. It was a time of fundamental changes in political, social, and economic life of the United States. Industrialization, urbanization, rapid technical progress, social movement... read more

3 pages

900 words

Malcolm X and the Black Rage

Each epoch has its hero who embodies the values, dreams and hopes for change. In a turning point of their history, Malcolm X was such a hero for African Americans. His outstanding role in the transformation of society lies in the fact that he did not only try to make black people accepted but also to inspire them for creating a totally new world, in which they will be free from the negative ... read more

3 pages

900 words

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