Intellectual Property

Aoki, K. (1998). “Neocolonialism, Anticommons Property, and Biopiracy in the (Not-so-Brave) New World Order of International Intellectual Property Protection.” Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 6(1): 59-115.

Content SummaryEvaluation/ Reasons for Use

The author raises many questions of developing and maintaining... read more

5 pages

1500 words

Intellectual property in China

Not surprisingly, the principal philosophical theory applied to the protection of utilitarian works – that is, technological inventions – has been utilitarianism (Merges, et al., 1997, pp. 135-136 hereinafter cited as MMLJ; Machlup, 1958).

Intellectual property is the ownership of intangible and non-physical goods. This includes id... read more

9 pages

2700 words

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