The Real Life Being in School and Working Full Time

by Tawna Fifer, June 2014

300 words

1 page


Each life period has its own benefits and hardships which make people believe that that is probably the hardest time of their life. Studies at high school look a period of being carefree as seen by an adult person’s life, while being adult person working full time is seen by a high school students as being independent. Yet, it is important to live today despite the difficulties and make the best of opportunities one has at the moment.It is not a secret that each person has a different social, economic, ethnical, etc. background. Depending on these aspects, his or her school and working life can have different colors and moods. When a person comes from a minority family, especially having some financial issues at home, it might affect the person’s studies in a bad way. Ideally, when at school, a student has to focus on studies and have nothing to distract his or her attention from the main goal. However, it does not always happen like that if a student has issues at home or troubles about being accepted by the school community. It might seem that students from well off families who have everything they need in term of financial support, should always feel comfortable but it does not always the case. In many cases such people are more dependent on their parents’ opinion and less motivated to do anything on their own.Speaking about working full-time, many students think that this means independence. They would be surprised to find out that it often means the opposite that is dependence. One has to fully devote one’s time to work at least five days a week without an opportunity to skip work like some students skip classes. During this time many people realize how important it is to study well at school and college in order to take the best opportunities in …

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