The Principle of Equality

by Selina Hargett, June 2015

300 words

1 page


The Principle of Equality

The notion of equality is usually perceived as the state of all the individuals being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities. However, the concept of equality is rather controversial and has a plethora of social shades.

Equality means the elimination of stereotypes and prejudices, creation of a new society where every individual would be able to participate in all the available processes, and everyone would have the possibility to realize and fulfill their potential. It is considered, that equality is able to make society healthier and individuals happier. The notion of equality implies that people should be treated according to their social categories and backgrounds such as gender, age, class, race, religion, etc., to their opportunities and needs, yet not judged and stereotyped according to them. The worldwide establishment of equality would mean the elimination of discrimination, victimization, bullying and harassment.

The principle of equality is rather philosophical and moral concept that states that all individuals are equal, and therefore they should be treated equally. The principle of equality is widely mentioned in the Declaration of Independence of the US, which proclaims that all men are created equal with certain rights that no one can be deprived of. The concept of quality proclaims that people that are under the same conditions should be treated equally. For example, delinquents that committed the same crimes should be judged and punished in the same way. However, this notion is rather idealistic, since it is hard to determine one set of rules for everyone, as every situation is different. The principle of equality also presupposes that every individual should be given equal opportunities. However, as every human being is unique and has its own backgrounds it is hardly possible to create equal life conditions and opportunities for everyone.

The notion of equality and the principle of equality are positive concepts, that yet are rather idealistic and almost impossible to bring to life due to great social diversity.

Works Cited

Honderich, T. Equality – What it is., n.d. Web. September 12, 2012.


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