The phenomenon of long-term potentiation (LTP) and its significance

by Shalonda Fogel, July 2015

3000 words

10 pages


The phenomenon of long-term potentiation (LTP) and its theoretical and practical significance could be well understood in the context of scientists’ centuries-long attempts to figure out how brain process determine man’s behaviour.

Presence of developed mind is the main reason of human race domination on the Earth. From the point of view of the evolution theory, the mind originated in the process of a gradual development and improvement of the man’s brain. All the achievements of mankind (art, politics, economics, technology, etc.) exist because of the intelligence and, therefore, can be considered as the result of evolution.

On the other hand, all the products of civilization were created under restrictions related to the limited functionality of the brain. For example, our brain cannot receive and process more than a certain amount of information; its speed is also limited. In particular, it is unlikely that anyone could commit to memory an encyclopedia for a day. We are not able to see the events occurring in the millisecond range, retain in short-term memory more than 7±2 objects, our hearing and vision are limited to certain frequency ranges.

To understand how the brain works means to discover the secret of success in many areas of human activity. This knowledge may not only lead us to the straight path of artificial intelligence creation and wide range of nervous diseases curing, but also provide an opportunity to improve what nature gave us. Inter alia, why do not we equip the brain with more sensitive analysers or not to improve information processing, increased memory capacity, etc.

We can say that we know a lot about the brain. Anatomy of this organ and its cellular structure are well studied. The main signal path between its structures is well-defined. It is clear how brain electrical activity occurs and how it is transmitted from cell to cell. But we do not know the main thing - how the whole system works.

Study of the brain was not possible without the involvement of the various sciences. Referring to the science of the brain we use the word - «neuroscience». This reflects the fact that not only biologists and physicians, but also, for example, physics and mathematics are engaged in the study of the brain. The systems approach, on the one hand, helps us to better understand brain functioning, but on the other hand, becomes the source of controversy.

There are three main approaches to the study of the brain. First - the "from up to down" (encephalography, CT). In this case, the brain is considered as an integrated system composed of related dynamically linked structures. The second approach is the "bottom-up" (research on the molecular-cellular level). Scientists try to understand how the "cell molecular machine" which allows brain cells to perform their functions, and to join in the local network, works. The third approach - "the brain is a black box". It is carried out when pharmacologists are trying to link directly properties of some or other receptor with human behavior.

Neurogenetics tried to find the gene, …

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