Summary of " Of Mice and Men"

by Lee Boyle, June 2014

1200 words

4 pages


In Of Mice and Men, J. Steinbeck describes the 1930s in the United States of America during the Great Depression. It is small, but very interesting and strong dramatic work of the author. The story "Of Mice and Men" brought Steinbeck first big success. It was adapted for the screen and thus made the author's name well known outside of the United States. Hopes and dreams about the better future is the core theme of the book. However, it is noteworthy that the author presents dreams with their double-edged nature. The more the main characters try to fulfil their dream, the more disappointed they get. It was the Great Depression that contributed to the drama of the story.

The setting of the novel is rural America during a complicated era of American history, when the whole country was filled with strugglers to survive and fearless dreamers. The subject of isolation in Of Mice and Men is another theme of the book, although this isolation is mainly of abstract nature. Being surrounded by lots of people every day, the characters are isolated due to the migrant lifestyle and its inevitable consequences. The book is characterized by very precise and well-depicted characters, and strong efficacious language. It is not possible not to believe the author while reading Of Mice and Men, and not to feel the drama of friendship and unfulfilled hopes of the people depicted.

George Milton and Lennie Small, migrant field workers, are the main characters of the novel. They travel around America from one ranch to another, getting hired for seasonal work:

Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don’t belong no place. (Steinbeck 121)

Lenny is a retard, and George takes care of him. Lenny is very strong, but not aggressive at all, and behaves like a child. George and Lennie dream to save up some money and buy their own small ranch where they would live happily and depend on no one. The characters of the story are unhappy, but they have hope and it helps them to live and surpass the difficulties. Only dream saves them from meaningless existence and hard labor:

I seen the guys that go around on the ... ranches alone. That ain't no good. They don't have no fun. After a long time they get mean. They get wantin' to fight all the time. (Steinbeck 17)

In addition, the main characters have not only hope but friendship as well. Nevertheless, Steinbeck questions friendship and explores whether it can pass the test of a terrible drama. It is obvious that the betrayal of this friendship would mean betrayal of all dreams.

George and Lenny cherish the same dream to buy a farm with vegetable garden, grow rabbits, and enjoy …

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