Racism place in a modern society.

by Ok Hiltz, June 2014

600 words

2 pages


What are the bases of racism?

History of racism as a human issue.

Does racism have any proofs for discrimination?

Intention, Content, Conviction, Universality, Creativity, Obscurity, Irrationality and Mel Gibson – eight principles to determine a Racist.

In a modern society, which is called civilized, racism is one of the most stigmatized concepts. Publicly expressed racist views may meet not only with a sharp moral condemnation, but also with all kinds of repression up to a criminal prosecution. However, the use of these “arguments” is always in doubt as to whether those who used them have a real argument – in other words, the one which is based on scientific facts and correct logic. The opponents of racism, however, usually state that the falsity of racist theories was proved long ago and now they do not need to repeat the obvious each time; or that the immorality of racism is an ample proof of its inadmissibility.

Generally, racists are people who are strongly persuaded that a human’s race and color of skin is a direct determinant of their capabilities, possibilities and level of development. In other words, if a person is not white, he/she might not be as cleaver and intelligent as a white one. Racist doctrine states that the purity of blood determines a national identity. According to this theory, a person's value cannot be in any way connected and determined by his/her personality, and membership in a particular so-called “racial population of a nation”. Many thinkers, including scientists, have made a contribution to the pseudo-scientific racist ideas. Racist ideology of the nineteenth century, such as Houston Stewart Chamberlain, proved to have a strong influence on the generation to which Adolf Hitler belonged.

Undoubtedly, the roots of racism run deep into history. These views have long served to justify the enslavement of one people by another. Propaganda of racial theories was widespread in 18-19th centuries in the U.S. as they have been used as a justification for slavery.

And now, in a veiled form racial discrimination remains prevalent in the U.S. and some other countries, such as South Africa, where racism was the basis of public policy. In the most savage form of racial theory, allegedly existing superiority of the "Aryan" race, racism has been adopted by the ideologues of Nazi Germany and was the basis for the commission of massive crimes against humanity.

Human culture is not the result of the activity of a single race: it originated in the centuries-old work of humanity. Every nation has made and is making its contribution to the world culture. This is shown by the experience of history: the centers of civilization for two or three thousand years before Christ existed in Asia and Africa, while the tribes who lived in Europe were still in a stage of barbarism. Low cultural level of some people who lived long ago under colonial oppression was the result not of the biological “inferiority” but due to the social conditions of a capitalist society.

The most convincing refutation of racism is the …

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