Living without Society

by Mackenzie Dahms, June 2014

900 words

3 pages


There is a phrase that the human being cannot exist without society. In order to provide sufficient answer, it is needed to provide definition for such concepts as society and human. Thus, human is a biosocial being that possesses cognition, speech, ability to create things and use them in the process of social work, which leads to development of high moral and intellectual qualities. This definition itself prompts that human being is closely connected to the society that assists him in becoming personality and in preserving own individuality.

According to Bradney (2000), society, therefore, is recognized as separate from the nature part of the material world, which is closely associated with the individual conditions of people that possess cognition and other aforementioned abilities. Moreover, society is realized by means of provision of all means required for gathering people together. Thus, it leads to socialization, which is the process of person’s comprehension of definite system of knowledge, norms and values that allow his functioning within society. With the birth, child comes not only to natural, but also to social surrounding that prepares him for further personal life, starting from development of elementary functions, such as nutrition, movement, etc.

Moreover, nature itself is harmonic. However, possessing intelligence and cognition, people brought chaos to it. For human beings, nature became the surrounding environment. It lead to the fact that nature became needed only for consumption and receiving of satisfaction. People rival with each other in different matters: who earns more, who consumes more, who as more lands, etc. As a result, such chaos became vivid not only in surrounding environment, but also within souls of people. The law of nature, which states that there should be equality between the condition of the outside surrounding and inner state of soul, was not preserved. It led to the fact that fear, anger, physical and psychiatric diseases became spread within society.

Society determines the ideology of human being. The way people learn to perceive the outside world is understood by means of growing up and comprehending different ideas and notions regarding the surrounding environment. Thus, different society types form various ideologies, based on specificity of the culture, economical relations, government formation, religion, traditions and customs of particular societies.

Society organizes interconnection of people by means of provided social statuses and roles. Hence, social status is the position of individual in the social group, which is defined by the one’s rights and duties regarding other associated social positions. Most often they are connected with economic, political and professional activities. Some part of the social statuses is received with the birth, like race, gender, nationality. Others are associated with the kinship system – father, mother, sister, brother. These statuses are acquired without the activity from the human’s side. Another group deals with the statuses that require actions from the human side.

Social role is recognized as assumed behavior of human, which possesses definite status. Each person is observed as barer of the whole range of statuses, and who enters different role relations …

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