Limitations of Evolutionary Psychology

by Evon Villicana, June 2014

300 words

1 page



Evolutionary psychology has been seen to have some limitations here and there. Though it is focused on helping individuals discover the operation of their cognition and how their behavior is affected in different aspects and situations for instance when one is in a dangerous situation and their mind initiates a defense mechanism either to flee or to fight. This is part of what evolutionary psychology strives to foster; help individuals understand themselves fully through analysis of their cognitive processes. It is however unfortunate that there are limitations to this study and these are the main focus for this paper.

One limitation of evolutionary psychology is that it does not give insight as to whether solutions of problems that individuals currently face can be achieved in the future. The focus of evolutionary psychology is solely in how our biological aspects and how they hinder and control human behavior (Stewart, 2001). Individuals exhibit their behavior owing to the intervention of their biological aspect which has been identified to be the sole operator of what they can and cannot do. In a simple term, the biology of human beings acts as a constraint to behavioral change (Cosmides, 2000). There is no look into whether these constraints or rather hindrances can be overcome in the future.

Apart from that evolutionary psychology has it that in order to satisfy desired emotions, human beings try to change the world and how they perceive it. Instead of focusing on their inner-selves to bring out the desired emotion that they prefer, they strive to change what is in the world in order to foster generation of their desired emotion (Deikman, 1996). Evolutionary psychology thus hinders human beings from exploring themselves inwards.


There is a dire need to have a change in the impact of evolutionary psychology in human beings. This will be done by addressing the above mentioned limitations.


Cosmides, L. a. (2000). Evolutionary psychology and the emotions.

Deikman, A. J. (1996). "I" = Awareness. Journal of Consciousness Studies,, pp.350-6.

Stewart, J. (2001). FUTURE PSYCHOLOGICAL EVOLUTION. Dynamical …

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