How do you define diversity

by Wilber Mcmurtry, June 2014

600 words

2 pages



Student diversity is an important aspect in the education curriculum. Students have a lot of different preferences in terms of learning. The difference in the preferences and learning strategies of students is what is referred to as student diversity. The diversity of students can be viewed from different points of view. Some of the common differences amongst students include gender difference, culture, religion, ethnicity and economic backgrounds.

The reason behind the high levels of diversity in the school setting is that students come from different socio-cultural and economic backgrounds. It is very important for teachers to understand the diversity of students and also focus on accommodating the needs of the students despite the difference in the cultural and economic backgrounds (Burton 276). A balance should be created when dealing with students from all these backgrounds. Gender is also a main point of focus for teachers. The reason behind this is that the understanding capacity of the male and female students is different and the teacher should be in a better position to understand the concept behind this notion.

It is the obligation of teachers to understand the diversity of students and perceive it positively (Dowling 285). Teachers should make an effort of ensuring that all the students are treated equally despite the differences in terms of culture, race, religion and economic status amongst other factors. The university has a diverse setting of students from different parts of the world. With this knowledge teachers should make an effort of ensuring that all the students achieve their educational objectives without difficulty.

It is challenging to deal with students from different settings. University students will belong to different religions and some will even start their own religions. Therefore, teachers need to have diverse knowledge in the field of sociology (Feniak 76). This would help them understand human relations at a greater depth. Human psychology would also be important for teachers in the university because it would enhance the teacher’s ability to predict behavior of students in relation to the different backgrounds.

To some extent students evaluate the performance of a teacher by how well the teachers handle student diversity in the classroom setting. Students will be more attentive and keen to teachers who accommodate their needs despite their differences. This is because the students see that the teacher is not biased and is able to handle the needs of the entire classroom. Conflicts are less likely to occur in school settings where teachers handle the diversity of the students effectively. In most cases, the performance of students goes high when they are being appreciated and being taken care of by teachers who fully understand student diversity.

When teachers appreciate the great diversity amongst the students, the students encourage the same behavior amongst themselves (Brownlie 27). Good social relations are seen in schools where teachers appreciate and acknowledge students diversity in the classroom setting. Students should be comfortable when in school. This can only be achieved when their efforts are appreciated despite their differences. The performance of …

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