How Author’s Historical, Social, and Political Background affected his Writing

by Frederic Granillo, June 2014

1200 words

4 pages


Any epoch brings humanity new names and giants of thought, who reflect the rules and circumstances they live under in their masterpieces either it comes about philosophy, political thought, or even literature. Indeed, I am strongly convinced that literature, together with art, has always been one of the best mirrors through which different historical periods can be understood.

Literature has never been really far from reality as writers and poets are just people. Surely, they were the most vivid, educated people of their times, but they are still people, who lived in the real world that influenced their development as personalities and governed each day of their lives.

One may argue that today, with such a variety of fantastical literature works, it is impossible to state definitely that reality still play major role in literature. However, I believe that such a variety of fantastical and fabulous novels is just the result of the way modern reality influences writers.

In the world of pure logic, computers and technologies, people still strive for something mysterious. This is the very reason for so many different fantastical works to be popular. Moreover, in case we will precisely investigate each of these works, we may see that they are not as unrealistic as it may seem from the first sight. These works are either based on ancient human myths and fairy tales or present an alternative version of our world’s development that is still governed by the same or, at least, by similar rules our reality is governed. The main heroes want to live/help/earn/love and so on. They experience the same feelings an average person experiences.

Thus, to understand the specific epoch it is important to investigate the works of its best writers and poets. Shakespeare is widely attributed as the biggest mystery of English Renaissance, the “milestone” in drama as a genre development.

There are still a great number of questions: who was this man, how could he get such an education being a son of a glover, and what a genius he was to work in different literature genres and to score a success in each of them. Historical context Shakespeare lived in could not, but left a deep trace in all his works as he was innovator, who tried to find answers on the most acute problems of his time.

The time Shakespeare lived and worked is often called the golden age of England thanks to the wise rule of Elisabeth I of England. Great Britain strengthened its position on the international arena; the period of her rule is often connected to the development of culture and education in the country.

Elizabeth’s father, Henry VIII, was one of the most prominent figures in the history of England, who violated the accepted rules and norms of the epoch, to please himself. Political situation during his reign was unstable; problems with the heads of the Church led to the serious crisis.

As a Queen, Elizabeth spurred the development of sciences and improved the position of Renaissance in England. In England …

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