Gender Issues

by Lissa Kimble, June 2014

600 words

2 pages


This report is devoted to behavior of interesting creatures from the Earth planet. The creatures’ name is “people”. There are two groups of people – women and men, which are completely different from each other, but they live in cloth relations to each other, having a simple reason for this: continuation of the family. Moreover, they definitely have a strong dependence on each other. We would like to mention a few typical patterns in these creatures’ behavior in family and at work.

In general, the people’s behavior is strongly based on planet’s history and stereotypes (Quinn, 2002). If we look into their history deeply, we’ll see that at the early beginning, women’s role were devoted to the family supporting and rising of children. However, a lot of people in different countries believe it’s not really fair and not appropriate for human’s free and democratic society. Each person needs to have a choice. And women struggled for their right for a choice, sometimes very fiercely. Nowadays, the Earth separates for positions of different countries. A lot of Eastern Countries still have very different rights for women and for men. Nevertheless, more and more countries become more fair-minded for women. If we take an example of United States, we can see that its employment’s politic shows quite fair standards. However, in practice this is not so simple and a discrimination of hiring still has place. For example, a Texas librarian at a junior high school said that his school district "would hire a male over a female" and explained his position (Williams, 1992). The stereotype about “real men job” exists for years; it represents a top management and upper-professional work. However, having less paid jobs are more typical for women. Each day in the U.S. these stereotypes becoming less influential. However, today you can see a huge stereotype that shows some discrimination against men at “women’s positions”. Men are very distressed by these negative stereotypes, which tend to undermine their self-esteem and to cause them to second-guess their motivations for entering these fields. A California teacher said: “If I tell men that I don't know, that I'm meeting for the first time, that that's what I do,. . .sometimes there's a look on their faces that, you know, "Oh, couldn't get a real job?" (Williams, 1992). Anyway, in general we would call women’s fight for their rights successful. Today it is possible for strong woman with a great will to become a top-manager or high-level politician. We can see examples everywhere.

Unfortunately, here we face another problem, described in details by Arlie Hochschild and she calls it ''stalled revolution”. Successful business woman has quite a new for society role and she needs to work hard to support her position and her further development. In the same time, woman’s role in the family hasn’t changed at all. She is the one, who is responsible for family’s comfort and parenting. A few examples support this thought. The Holts family - Nancy, a social worker, …

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