Gender and Crime

by Hassie Canela, June 2014

300 words

1 page


Using a functionalist approach, societies, are characterized by specialization, high complexities and diversity. Every process in society requires the collective and progressive functioning of its people. Using this approach, crime, is normal in any given society. It is essential to the daily life of the society because it cannot be contained. In case the current criminals stopped their actions, then governments would pass legislations criminalizing trivial offenses (Durkheim, 2004). This means that society requires the negative role models. Crime is normal in a society because no society can enforce total conformity to injunctions. In case a society succeeded in enforcing total conformity, it would be doing so in a repressive manner in order to leave no leeway for criminals. The identification and punishment of crime and criminals shows that the society has limits for acceptable behavior. The presence of severe punishment for crime shows that society has values that are cherished. Criminals and the perpetrators of crime become negative role models for children. Some criminal activities have the potentials for changing society, and the existence of crime shows that society does not have total control of its citizens (Merton, 2009). Punishment intends to correct and counsel the criminals from their misbehavior. It shows that immoral and unethical actions are temporary and can be changed. The extent of criminal activities in society depends on the degree of acceptable behaviors within the society. Misbehaving, petty and trivial crimes can be harmless crime to society. However, serious crimes such as suicide, murder, armed robbery and rape cannot be acceptable in any society (Durkheim, 2004). The crime rate statistics within a society can be used to measure crime and its extent in society. Crime rates should remain as low as possible. Acceptable crime can be tolerated by society.Crime refers to any act that intends to harm a society or go against its laws, rules and social norms. Juvenile cases, petty crimes and trivial crimes can be controlled by society. The media influence crime in numerous ways (Merton, 2009). For instance, the media highlights crime and its criminal intentions and it acts as a medium for reporting crime. ReferenceDurkheim, E. (2004). The Method of Determining This Function. On The Division of Labor. Free Press New York. Page 72-75. Merton, R. (2009). Functional: Functionalist Explanation of Crime. Functional. Page …

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