Citizens responsibility

by Song Hankin, April 2015

300 words

1 page


The responsibility of any citizen can not be reduced only to the realization of the debt or only to punish improper (illegal) behavior of the state. Responsibility includes both along with other manifestations. Responsibility is a holistic phenomenon not reducible to its individual characteristics. The state not only binds society legal relationship, but being in a higher structure promotes unity in civil rights, education, and all the general thinking and action (as each contemplates spiritual and recognizes its universality).

Every citizen of this state shall uphold the Constitution of the state. Also citizens must respect the laws and respect national traditions, rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of other citizens. Citizens are obliged to participate in the financing of public expenditure through the payment of taxes, duties and other charges. Responsibility and main duty of the citizen is to protect his state. Constitutional duties of citizens are respect for the cultural, historical heritage and the environment of the state.

A citizen is responsible for the execution of the laws and rules established in this country. Citizen gets all the goods of state (services of health, education, law enforcement, etc.) and that the state is responsible for compliance with the constitution and laws of this country. In particular, citizens who use transportation and the roads of the country should take responsibility for compliance with the rules of the state. The state and society gives him the benefit in the form of transport and road systems, and the person on the other hand must abide by the rules. The state does not rest on any direct contract with all of one and all with one or the individual and the government together, and the general rule does not express the will of the individual, but it is absolutely universal will, in and of itself is mandatory for each citizen.



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