Business Ethics and Sustainability

The present stage of the development of economy and society is characterized by the socialization of business caused by public, political and economic factors. The increasing interest is shown to social, ecological and ethical aspects of any company’s activity along with the economic one. An objective need is the formation of social responsibility of ... read more

3 pages

900 words


Apple’s Responsibility Audit Report: Is Apple Really Responsible?Examine the business practices of Apple and consider whether these activities demonstrate responsible corporate behavior. Companies are much more than institutions made for the sake of profit. They directly affect the environment, communities, workers, etc. Therefore companies should work at the highest levels of responsibility... read more

10 pages

3000 words

Business Ethics and susatinability

Ethical Decision Making Business ethics and social responsibility can be used to increase efficiency of the company. They are capable to affect the reputation of the company in a good way. An organization with standards of business ethics is always easily negotiated with. It is usually easy to enter into engagements with a company that has transparent rules of game. At the same time, polic... read more

2 pages

600 words

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