William Caxton

English, the language of Englishmen, is considered to be the official language for a great amount of countries. This is an official language for the Great Britain, USA, Canada, Ireland, Malta, Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan and others. The language is one of six languages, which are used as official languages in U. N. O. Nowadays the number of English speaking people is more than on... read more

5 pages

1500 words

Language Planning in Bazakhstan

While being a young independent state, it is significantly important to Bazakhstan to distinguish the official state language. But as the country has a complex population of five different ethnic groups – the Kumikh, the Gaguz, the Nogai, the Kashi, and the Bolgar – the language issue becomes as a very hot topic, the importance of which is difficult ... read more

4 pages

1200 words

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