Alexandria Digital Library Review

What is the user community(-ies)?

Alexandria Digital Library (ADL) provides access to its collection of gazetteer, databases, maps, documents and photographs via its specialized technology. The users of the digital library are students, researchers, faculty members and other people for general public who are interested in science... read more

3 pages

900 words


Energy is an indirectly observed quantity that is often understood as the ability of a HYPERLINK "" \o "Physical system" physical system to do HYPERLINK "" \o "Work (physics)" work on other physical systems (Source 3). However, this must be understood as... read more

2 pages

600 words


1914 - It was the year that saw the beginning of what became known as HYPERLINK "" \o "World War I" World War I .

Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand (18 December 1863 – 28 June 1914) was an HYPERLINK "" \o "Archduke" Archduke of HYPERLINK "" \o "Austria-... read more

3 pages

900 words

How does the high fat American diet contribute to obesity?


Abstract................................................................ ......................................................................3

Introduction............................................................ ....................................................................4

Main Findi... read more

17 pages

5100 words

IHG Risk Management

IHG’ risk management goals are necessarily aligned to its core purpose which is 'Great Hotels Guest Love'. IHG particularly aims at championing and protecting its trusted reputation of the company as well as its brands. It also seeks to become a one team which works together towards making and keeping the business fulfilling, resilient and safe. In ensuring this aspect in IHG, its brands, gu... read more

3 pages

900 words

Integrative Analysis paper


Leadership is a means of bringing out the best elements and characteristics in people through inspiring and motivating them to set out their talents, skills and energies to deliver the vision of the organization and is not an end by itself. Leadership directly affects the actions and HYPERLINK " read more

6 pages

1800 words

Effective use of sound and/or music to communicate info to player

Computer games became interactive entertainment with substantially greater number of opportunities than any other. On the other hand, our imagination and desire to see an interesting story have always been more important than interactivity of the story telling process. Thus, narrative and cinematic elements in game design are still present. As a matt... read more

3 pages

900 words

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