Unlocking Mysteries of the Parthenon

The current article deals with numerous issues which are related to the Parthenon. What is questioned by the article is how people managed to build such a temple. Its greatness and complexity are described in the article and its main idea is that despite the fact that archaeologists revealed many secrets of the process of construction, numerous issues... read more

1 page

300 words


1. Difference between functional and product (service) oriented layoutsFunctional oriented layout is a manufacturing or warehouse frame work that arranges its operations in groups according to the function or technology they are used for. For instance, a machine shop, where machines performing similar work are located in one place. All saws in one place and drill in another place. A departme... read more

10 pages

3000 words

Employees are entitled to due process

The due process is necessary in both public and private spheres; it is a moral necessity to protect human rights. The employees working in public spheres get the appropriate treatment and protect their rights in the court more often than the private spheres workers. The moral side of the issue is questioned here, is it morally fair to fire the employ... read more

6 pages

1800 words

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