Text Citation Literary Connection

“Nearly all men are afraid, and they don’t even know what causes their fear – shadows, perplexities, dangers without names or numbers, fear of a faceless death. But if you can bring yourself to face not shadows but real death, then you need never be afraid again, at least not in the same way you were before. Then you will be a man set apart from other men, safe where other men may cry in ter... read more

4 pages

1200 words

Emily Dickinson's Obsession with Death

Emily Dickinson is one of the most outstanding and prominent poets of American Romanticism whose rather significant body of work employs themes and motifs characteristic of the movement brushing them off with her unique treatment of visionary nature. Her poetry revolves around several binary oppositions such as life and death, eternity and immediacy, earthly and divine, body and soul that u... read more

7 pages

2100 words


Death is certainly one of those issues which each of us tries not to spend that much time thinking about, until, sadly, someone we know is dying. Yet, Caitlin Doughty, who hosts the increasingly popular web-series “Ask a Mortician” wants to change that. The hostess is a licensed mortician who lives in Los Angeles, and she is on a mission of turning death into a part of daily culture in Ameri... read more

2 pages

600 words


Death can be considered one of the main themes in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, which is quite natural for a tragedy. Characters of the heroes manifest themselves most directly in their attitude towards death. In the present essay, it will be shown how Hamlet’s and Laertes’s views on the issue reveal some motives of their behavior which could not be fully und... read more

3 pages

900 words

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