Social Security Programs


Since its initiation in the early 20th century, Social Security has diversified its operations, and it is currently one of the vital components that define the financial structure and planning of the federal government, especially for Americans’ retirees. Towards the end of 20th Century, it was clear that the change in demography would not sustain the growth of Soci... read more

3 pages

900 words

Business Ethics and Sustainability

The present stage of the development of economy and society is characterized by the socialization of business caused by public, political and economic factors. The increasing interest is shown to social, ecological and ethical aspects of any company’s activity along with the economic one. An objective need is the formation of social responsibility of ... read more

3 pages

900 words

Social Security

Social Security has become a quite controversial issue in the USA, drawing the dividing lines between Republicans and Democrats even starker. While its opponents argue that the social security system is essentially broken and should be abolished, its advocates insist on its financial solidity and benefits for millions of people. Throughout this debate, both camps have resorted to misleading ... read more

6 pages

1800 words

International Trade and Finance

How and why the U.S.’s deficit, surplus and debt have an effect on unemployed individuals?

Large debt and deficits cause uncertainty in the markets, which lead to lay-offs, increasing unemployment. The story of American deficit started in January 2001. It was the time when President Bill Clinton was leaving office. Since that time ... read more

2 pages

600 words

End of Life Medical Ethics Literature Review

One of the most sensitive problems in the entire healthcare system is the end of a\a patient’s life. Unfortunately, every human being is not an elf from the Tolkien’s “Lord of The Rings”. We are not immortal. Naturally, sooner or later every one of us will appear on the death bed and this will be no longer the question of the proficiency and expertis... read more

3 pages

900 words

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