"The Negro Speaks of Rivers" Review

One of the most brilliant poets of Harlem Renaissance, mainly underestimated during his lifetime was Langston Hughes. On the large scale his poetry is an outward movement towards people, namely black people. The bulk of his poetry speaks of black people for black people from black people as unique entities interrelated by their collective unconsciousness.

Concerning the poem “Th... read more

2 pages

600 words

Race to Incarcerate

I have already read a very thought-provoking book, which impressed me deeply by its deep ideas. The book draws our attention to the fact that imprisonment has become one of the major methods of punishment for the commitment of serious crimes. Is it good or bad? The answer is very controversial. We live in a well-developed society, where there are a lot of tempting things. Many people choose ... read more

5 pages

1500 words

Negro Speaks of Rivers

One of the most brilliant poets of the Harlem Renaissance, substantially underestimated during his lifetime, was Langston Hughes. His brilliant poetry is devoted to people, namely black people. The bulk of his poetry speaks of black people for black people from black people as unique entities interrelated by their collective unconsciousness. However, ... read more

5 pages

1500 words

Malcolm X and the Black Rage

Each epoch has its hero who embodies the values, dreams and hopes for change. In a turning point of their history, Malcolm X was such a hero for African Americans. His outstanding role in the transformation of society lies in the fact that he did not only try to make black people accepted but also to inspire them for creating a totally new world, in which they will be free from the negative ... read more

3 pages

900 words

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